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"I hope to find someone I will love forever and can weather any storm with God being the one to guide us and I want that to be my message as a writer.  That love and commitment CAN and does still exist if the couple relies on God" -Me
Hey, y'all!   
My name is Stephanie Corvin for those of you who don't know who I am.  I have been writing for most of my life and started in middle school creating fanfiction about Leonardo DiCaprio and James Marsden.  I used to be embarrassed by that but not anymore.  I mean, it got the ball rolling, didn't it?
I owe my writing destiny to A LOT of friends in my everyday life as well as online but the two I owe the most two are Nicholas Sparks and Shane West (and no I don't know them personally but someday....)
Nicholas is the master of storytelling and I get so lost in his books I feel like I'm actually IN the story as I read it.   But sometimes its the magic of film that I get lost in more than the books.
This is where Shane West comes in.  One look at him and I was hooked.  He has amazing talent beyond anything I could ever even begin to explain.  He captured my heart with A Walk to Remember and still holds it today.

I've always known that I wanted to be an author thanks to my fan fic writing days back in middle school when I was horrible, arthrosis, just plain BAD and in serious need of knowing when to use an exclamation point and when not to. Ahhh those were the days. Funny thing is, back then I was equal parts proud and embarrassed at my new ability which grew into YEARS of fear and doubt. That in turn, led to the wasted years or "the dark ages"as I like to call it. I think I'm even more terrified now than I was even then and why exactly I can't seem to figure out.

I'm trying to have more faith in myself and the stories I want to tell but it's an everyday struggle. 

Now that you know how writing came into my life let me tell you my backstory from day one.  I was born on August 16, 1982 weighing in at a fragile 1 lb and 14 1/2 oz.
Yes, I was a preemie.  My head was no bigger than a tennis ball and my fingers and toes were like match sticks.  I could literally fit into the palm of someone's hand and my first item of clothing was a doll dress.
All through my life I've often wondered what my purpose on Earth actually is and I finally know the answer.
To be a writer because I live to write and write to live!
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